David Gigan

VFW Will Move to Dissolve the Rogue VFW-PAC over Boxer nomination and others

In Politics on October 21, 2010 at 8:07 am

On Monday, October 18, 2010, VFW Commander-in-Chief Richard L. Eubank announced that he will move to dissolve the VFW’s PAC – because the PAC, by supporting Barbara Boxer, and other fringe candidates, has failed to represent our combat veterans.

In doing so, the VFW found the membership had “no confidence” in the Political Action Committee that was designed to represent the interests of actual combat veterans.

Remember, this is the same Barbara Boxer who:

– voted against body armor;
– campaigned with Jane Fonda– this summer (Jane Fonda’s treasonous activities can’t be forgotten);
– helped Code Pink give aid and comfort to the enemy in Fallujah in 2004 by pulling strings on Code Pink’s behalf (Code Pink has a history of antagonism toward vets, including calling our soldiers terrorists and war criminals);
– Refused to condemn MoveOn.org’s “General Betray-us” ad (see below);
– Demonstrated profound disrespect for men and women in uniform by publicly belittling General Michael Walsh for correctly addressing her as Ma’am .

A true friend of veterans, right.  Barbara Boxer cannot cozy up to Code Pink, and then expect veterans support.

Finally, an organization standing up for its members.

And now, for the moveon.org advertisement that has drawn criticism and scorn from nearly every sector of our society – except Senator Boxer’s office.

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